September 8, 2024

Uganda Car Rental Services

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10 Days Uganda Safari Adventure With Herbert Musuza

I go by the names of Herbert Musuza, a proffessional driver-guide under Mumwe Safaris with over 8 years driving experience in Uganda, Rwanda & Kenya. I have been to several destinations with various clients from different countries and have always taken great pleasure in giving my clients the best time possible so they can take back wonderful memories of Uganda.

I was recently assigned two lovely tourists from Germany namely Naomi & Lina- two very passionate and enthisiatic travelers looking for that blend of wildllife and culture. I drove them in a 4×4 Land Cruiser Prado TX, a nice choice for two with spacious space for cargo in th rear. I will run you through an itinerary of the whole 10 days Uganda safari adventure day by day including activities and accommodation.

Day 1 – Transfer to Lake Bunyonyi

I picked Naomi & Lina from Kooki hotel for a road trip to Lake Bunyonyi- a top tourist attraction in the west ideal for relaxation and island tours. We stoped over at the Equator for some pictures and streching before continuing the trip to Bunyonyi arriving in the evening. We checked in at Lake Bunyonyi rock resort for dinner and overnigh stay.

Day 2 – Canoe Trip & relaxation

The second was dedicated to relaxing and enjoying the views of the Lake and surrounding and then later in the afternoon, Naomi & Lina went out for canoe ride on the Lake. A rewarding experience as they got chance to see a variety of birds, locals and also stunning hill views.

Day 3 – Transfer to Bwindi forest

Next destination on the Uganda safari adventure was a trip Rushaga- a popular gorilla trekking destination found within Bwindi forest. We arrived in the afternoon and checked in at Rushaga gorilla camp for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 4- Gorilla trekking

After an early morning breakfast, i drove Naomi and Lina to the park headquaters fro briefing an dlast minute preparations before they headed for the jungle in search of the gorillas. The trek lasted from 8am to 2pm when i picked then up at the drop point and drove them back to Rushaga gorilla camp ending their gorilla trekking adventure.

Day 5 – Transfer to Kibale forest

We checked out of Rushaga gorilla camp and destined to Kibale forest, home to the largest population of Chimpanzees in East Africa plus 12 other primate species. We made an enroute stop over at Tibz restaurant for lunch before continuing our journey to Kibale checking in at the luxurious Kyaninga lodge.

Day 6 – Chimpanzee tracking

We enjoyed an early morning breakfast before i drove them to Kanyanchu center where they were to start their chimp tracking adventure walk through Kibale forest. The spent up to 4 hours in the forest enjoying sights of chimpanzees, monkeys, bird and tree species of all kind. We returned to Kyaninga lodge for lunch and relaxation.

Day 7 – Kyaninga hike

After breakfast, i drove Naomi and Lina to Kyaninnga lake where we would start our hiking adventure that lasted about 4 hours taking us through scenic hills and valleys with superb views of the lake and surroundings. Transfer back to the lodge for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 8 – Transfer to Murchison falls park
We aid goodbye to Kibale forest making our way to Murchison falls park – one of the Uganda’s most visited national parks home to a variety of mammals and bird species and of-course the eye-catching thunderous Murchison falls. We made a stop over at Nguse River camp as request from Naomi & Lina who wanted to enjoy some Capacino. We continued our trip entering Murchison falls park through the Masindi gate and checking in at Bamboo village for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 9 – Game drive & Boat cruise

After breakfast, we set off for an early morning game drive through the park encountering a variety of early risers including lions, elephants, giraffes, antelopes, buffaloes and bird species among others. We retuned to Bamboo village for lunch and relaxation ebfore heading out again in the afternoon for a launch trip to the bottom of the falls. They took pictures of the landscapes, animals relaxing and drinking water on the banks, water birds as well got chance to see the resting crocodiles. They returned after 3 hours and we drove back to Bamboo village for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 10 – Transfer to Jinja

Afer an adventure filled trip in western Uganda, Naomi & Lina decided to end the trip in Jinja city. We checked put of the Bamboo village and proceeded to the top of Murchison falls for some pictures before our joueny to the east. I dropped them off at Holland park ending the 10 days Uganda safari adventure.

Overall, the Uganda safari was a success and i was lucky to guide two friendly tourists who made everything so simple. Inspired by this safari itinenrary, you can book it today by simply getting in touch with us through or call us now on +256-700135510 to speak with our reseravtions team.

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